One of the great honors GG Equine receives on a regular basis is the endorsement of equine health professionals. From dentists to veterinarians, trainers to farriers, a growing number of practitioners are recommending our products - grazing muzzles, halters, and accessories - to their clients. Many times each season, customers will say something like, “My vet said I should check out GG Equine,” or “Our farrier said GreenGuard muzzles are the best.”
These are the people that horse and donkey owners trust with the health and care of their herd! That makes us feel good, sure, but it also gives us an awesome responsibility, and it’s one we take very seriously. Beyond hearing that your family’s vet or farrier recommends our products, what really blows our minds is when equine health practitioners recommend GG Equine products because they use them themselves.
It’s a real sign of confidence - the ultimate compliment - when professionals tell us their own horse or donkey wears a GreenGuard muzzle. This GG Herd story takes us to the heartland, Sugar Grove, Illinois. We’re visiting with hoof-care and bodywork professional Jen Rakas, who has entrusted her herd’s turnout time to GreenGuard muzzles for many years now.
Jen's horse and two donkeys wear GreenGuard muzzles.
Back in March 2024, we got a Facebook notification that Jen’s business, Heel To Toe Hoof Care and Bodywork, shared one of our annual spring sale posts. We commented that, as a woman-owned small business, being recommended by hoof-care professionals is really meaningful to us. Jen replied, “your muzzles are a great product that I recommend regularly. I have all three of mine wearing them!”
Jen’s practice, Heel To Toe Hoof Care and Bodywork, offers “whole-horse hoof care, booting services, and equine postural rehabilitation to the dedicated horse owner.” Jen knows hoof care. She has helped countless equine clients - including her own horse - recover from all manner of hoof ailments, from navicular and laminitis to founder, over the past 15 years.